Anterior Implants and Veneers

This awesome patient had issues with her front teeth for years! Cursed with an anterior open bite, she had one of her front teeth knocked out when she was a kid, and despite the fact that it was re-inserted, it was not salvageable due to mobility, bone loss, and necrosis after years of maintenance.

After discussing the pros and cons of maintaining the natural teeth, we opted to go the route of dental implants – even though it would be a long journey. We could not place implants at the same time due to the limited bone quantity, so extensive grafting was done at the time of extraction with PRF to help the soft tissue heal.

After 6 months, we came back and took a CBCT, evaluated the bone, and placed BioHorizons implants using a surgical guide to get them where we had the best bone anatomy.

After 4 months, it was time to restore the implants, but we opted to replace her old bonding with two eMax veneers on 7 and 10 at the same time, so everything matched.

We fabricated custom Zirconia abutments on TiBases, and layered eMax crowns for 8 and 9. Cases like this take great pre-planning, CAD work, and amazing ceramics. Shoutout to Midwest Dental Arts for their help on this case!

She LOVED the final result and we were so happy too! Thanks for trusting us with your smile!