Full Mouth Implants

This story was really heartbreaking, but the results are incredible! This patient came to us with ‘broken teeth’. After reviewing his x-rays, we realized he had a full mouth rehab done with crowns on every tooth, about a year before coming to see us! Not long after the bridges and crowns were placed, he said things started to break.

Old Smile vs New!

I hate that someone just spent the money and time sitting in a dental chair having crowns placed on every single tooth, and the work didn’t even last a year! After reviewing his options, I did not think that more crowns, nor single implants, would fix his issue. He needed something back for the missing upper lateral ASAP, so we designed out his new smile and got him in for implant day!

Under sedation, we extracted the remaining roots, used our pre-op waxup done by SYNrG Lab to place the implants in the perfect positions for his new smile. We then scanned his implants and 3D printed his temporaries. After healing for 3 months, we made a few changes on the design of the teeth based on his wife’s feedback, and then went to final!

He is wearing a Titanium Upper Hybrid, with individual crowns for the teeth, opposing a Monolithic Zirconia Hybrid.

Close Ups

We love the ceramics on the upper, made by @SynrgLab, and we could not be happier with the outcome! Working with a skilled lab helps these cases have such impressive outcomes! Proper control over the bite is key and our 3D printed ceramic temporaries keep the implants stable during healing.

Thanks for trusting us with your smile, bite, function, and confidence! For more information about implants, options for restoring your smile, or the differences between fixed and removable implant solutions, follow us on instagram @FantaskiSmiles and send a DM with any questions. To schedule a consultation, please call (678) 845-8658.