Long Journey

With so much focus on hybrids, my staff and I often forget just how long of a journey it can be to get individual teeth back using dental implants when there is something seriously wrong with them. This case is the perfect example of that!

Sadly for this lovely patient, we diagnosed her 29 and 30 with resorption. Not sure the cause, but the amount of damage that this pathology did to the surrounding bone was alarming. There was basically no buccal plate left, and there was a substantial vertical defect.

We took out both 29 and 30, and performed GBR using Ossix Plus, Sticky Bone, PRF, and periosteal anchoring Glycolon sutures to keep everything stable. We took a CT scan 4 months later and it looked like the bone was still ‘cooking’ but the soft tissue was healing great! Another CT scan after an additional 4 months showed that the bone was finally looking good!

We brought her back in, used our PrimeScan scans and designed and 3D printed a restoratively based surgical guide. When we opened up the site, the bone was beautiful, native, and bleeding! We performed our osteotomies, placed our BioHorizons Tapered Pro implants with perfect primary stability, and used Ossix Volumax to thicken out the buccal aspect from a soft tissue standpoint. Extra-wide healing abutments were placed and more Glycolon stitches placed to keep everything stabilized.

In 3 months, after the implants have integrated, we will scan them for final crowns!