Lower Hybrid

Just another example of every case is different! In this case, the patient had existing crown/bridge and RCT’s on the mandibular posterior. Sadly, when the posts were placed, the posts perforated out the walls of the teeth, resulting in unrstorable medial abutments on the existing bridges. Caries on the dial abutments and bone loss made restoring the mandible with single implants difficult.

Pre-op Pan – Note the posts on 21 and 28.

After a CBCT evaluation, and discussions with the patient about long term prognosis, current presentation, existing bite and existing cosmetic presentation, we determined that a lower hybrid was likely her next step.

We placed 6 implants, utilizing BioHorizons’ ‘shorty’ implants distal to the mental nerve, with our traditional angled in the middle, and straight in the anterior (all under oral sedation). She left with teeth that day, and I was happy with the bite too. Thanks to SYNrG Lab for our amazing digital workflow and printed temps! I was particularly happy after her follow up call, the day after her procedure, she said she felt fine and was at work!

Post-op Pan

She wore printed temps for 3 months while everything healed, and then we moved on to fabricating her final restoration!

Temp Teeth/Bite

She loves how the final turned out and we did too!

Thanks for trusting us with your smile, bite, function, and confidence! For more information about implants, options for restoring your smile, or the differences between fixed and removable implant solutions, follow us on Instagram @FantaskiSmiles and send a DM with any questions. To schedule a consultation, please call (678) 845-8658.