Snap In Upper – 4 Implants

WOW! What a result! I absolutely love how this case turned out, but it took some time to get here. This patient presented with a few occlusal issues and a terminal dentition on the upper arch. The crossbite was significant, the flare of the maxillary anterior teeth, and the decreased vertical dimension all contributed to un-esthetic smile.

Step 1 was to extract the remaining upper teeth and do bone grafts. Two posterior implants were placed and a bone graft was performed on the anterior of the maxilla. The patient began to wear an upper immediate denture during this time.

After 4 months of healing, step 2 was to place implants into the bone graft area. The posterior implants were confirmed to be stable at that time.

After an additional 4 months, the upper implants were uncovered, and the process to restore her smile had begun. Wax try-ins were done and over-denture components were installed on the implants at the tissue level. After the over-denture was fabricated, the four implants were picked up in the mouth. Thankfully, we had an amazing AP spread and the implant angulations were favorable, so the prosthetic was very stable and ‘snaps in’ just like we want!

These cases can be difficult because of how long the healing period takes, but so rewarding for us and the patients! Thanks for trusting us with your smile!