Staged Full Mouth Implants

This patient has to be one of the biggest characters I have had the pleasure to treat! He came to us wanting to improve his smile, but was really concerned that whatever we put into his mouth could take a punch — literally!

Before – Lower temp after upper grafting – Final

He had bridges done from 6-8 and 9-11 about 5 years ago, a partial, and some toothaches on the bottom. Although his pano looks reasonable, the missing upper premolars left his ridge very narrow and not well suited for implant placement.

Pre-Op Pano

We decided to opt for a staged approach on this case. We began with removing the upper infected posterior teeth, bone grafting, and then the lower hybrid temps. He got the 3D printed temp made in our office, and said the process of the implants on the bottom was a breeze!

Before and After – Retracted

He healed for 3 months, and we took another upper CT scan. We were still trying to find good bone for the upper, and decided to do some pretty aggressive bone grafting. We did two lateral window sinus lifts, one on each side, as well as GBR to grow bone into the sites where the teeth had been lost previously (mainly the upper lateral incisor and premolars). We used laminar bone plates, Gem21, sticky bone, and closed with Ossix Plus. We threw the book at it! And we are so glad we did, because 6 months later… we got some great looking CT scans, and were ready for his upper arch hybrid surgery!

Staged case showing upper bridges opposing lower temp hybrid

We placed 5 implants and printed his upper temps! Finally, he had posterior support and a full smile again! We waited 3 months to let the upper implants integrate, then fabricated his final Zirconia Prosthetics.

Final Pano

What a smile! We love how it turned out, and he did too! Working with a skilled lab partner such as @SynrgLab helps these cases have such impressive outcomes! Proper control over the bite is key, and our 3D printed ceramic temporaries keep the implants stable during healing. 

Before and After Smile

Thanks for trusting us with your smile, bite, function, and confidence! For more information about implants, options for restoring your smile, or the differences between fixed and removable implant solutions, follow us on Instagram @FantaskiSmiles and send a DM with any questions. To schedule a consultation, please call (678) 845-8658.