Upper ‘All-On-4’
This patient initially came in with loose and broken teeth. After a few discussions, it became clear that he was self conscious about his smile breaking down, and wanted some options to replace his upper teeth. Single implants were not going to be a good option due to the amount of bone loss that had occurred where the teeth were missing.

We began discussions more deeply about implant options and settled on an upper hybrid. For this case, I left #14 in during his temporary stage to keep his bite consistent and take some stress off of the implants while they were healing.
The entire process only took him 5 visits, and was completed in just over 4 months. It takes our bodies at least 3 months to heal after we do anything involving bone – from bone grafts to implants – so as soon as his implants were ready, we got to work fabricating his final Zirconia prosthetic.
After 3 months of soft foods, he was so ready to get his final Zirconia restorations. He was over the moon about how they fit and looked!! Even his bite was perfect, I didn’t have to adjust anything!

Thanks for trusting us with your smile! For more information about implants, follow me on Instagram @FantaskiSmiles and DM with any questions or for a consultation!